As seen, language, computer programs and the activities controlled by the nucleus of living cells, all qualify as UI. [1] A very important prerequisite of UI is the will or volition, i.e., an intelligent sender and/or receiver [2] (UI is not a property of matter, meaning it cannot originate from lifeless matter, organic or inorganic). The source of information is always an intelligent mind.
[1] What is the will or volition of a cell nucleus? When the membrane potential of a mitochondria is decreased enough that apoptotic proteins are triggered, which leads eventually and inexorably to cell death, where is the volition of this event?
[2] Says who? I wouldn't bother arguing that information is a property of matter, rather that it's a result of various configurations of matter and energy.
Do you doubt if I cut down a tree and looked at its cross-section, that there is information to be gleaned from it? The rings carry information about the age of the tree (99 years) and about weather and other environmental conditions at various times in the past (the rings tell me that seven years ago there was a forest fire, and that two years ago was a particularly rainy season). Do you claim the tree is willfully sending this information to me?